The Boiler  invites you to turn up the heat.
Make it whistle 100°C +,  sputter and steam.
We’ll gauge the pressure.

ISSN: 2373-5902 

The Boiler began in 2011 by a group of writers at Sarah Lawrence College. We are an online quarterly that publishes fresh and lively works of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction from emerging and established authors. We like work that turns up the heat, whistles, and stands up to pressure.

Since our inception, we have published diverse voices. We are dedicated to normalizing the elevation and amplification of underrepresented voices and are always seeking to do better under pressure. We actively welcome submissions that dismantle, complicate, and/or question the power structures of white supremacy, colonization, capitalism, patriarchy, and imperialism.

Recent authors published include Anthony Cody, Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach, Dorothy Chan, Diannely Antigua, Paul Tran, Jessica Abughattas, Melissa Wiley, Claire Wahmanholm, Michael Torres, Maya Phillips, Eloisa Amezcua, Mai Der Vang, Chelsea Dingman, Cortney Lamar Charleston, Kayleb Rae Candrilli, Julie Marie Wade, Tatiana Ryckman,  and others.

We nominate writers for Best of the Net, The Pushcart Prize, and other awards. Poems published in The Boiler have been featured in Bettering American Poetry,  The Slowdown, Best of the Net, HTML Giant, Coldfront Magazine, Verse Daily, and elsewhere.

The Boiler is filled with solid writing that breaks the boundaries of traditional writing and that surprises by heading toward cliché and then rocketing away from it.”

—Kirsten McIlvenna, NewPages

The Boiler publishes some of the liveliest writing I’ve seen online today. I say ‘liveliest’ because each piece has its own movement, its own way of toying with my boundaries, and its own way of carving itself into place. The Boiler is here, is turned up, and is publishing pieces I continue to fall for, no matter how many times I go back to them.”
—Alex Guarco, The Adirondack Review

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